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Sarah's Story


In February 2012, 23-year-old Sarah Frazer was on her way to begin University when her car broke down. After pulling into the emergency breakdown lane, Sarah called for assistance.

As a tow-truck driver was hooking up her car, a truck side-swiped the broken-down car and collided with the pair, killing them both instantly.

Although the driver was found guilty of dangerous driving, the road was also at fault by not meeting the standards required to allow sufficient room to pull off the road safely. Had the breakdown lane been made to the Austroads standard, Sarah and the tow-truck driver would not have been left in the line of high speed traffic.

Safer Australian Roads and Highways (SARAH) Group was set up by Sarah’s father Peter Frazer to ensure more lives are not lost through preventable and clearly foreseeable situations like the one that took Sarah’s life.


The SARAH Group campaigns for changes to policy and legislation to ensure that lives are not lost in preventable and clearly foreseeable situations by lobbying for a commitment to renewing poor infrastructure and asking drivers to take responsibility for their actions on our roads and highways.

The Group campaigns to:

Ensure that major Roads and Highways/Freeways have breakdown lanes/road shoulders that do not leave drivers, passengers and the first call service personnel (i.e. Roadside Assistance, Tow Truck Drivers, Road Workers) and emergency service personnel (ie. Police, Ambulance, Fire) who come to their aid, in harm’s way.


Ensure that “first call” and emergency service personnel who aid and protection on our roads and highways are protected by requiring drivers who pass a vehicle displaying hazard or emergency lights to “slow down” and when safe to do so, “move over” into the lane away from the hazard.
